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dum., 31 dec.


Location is TBD

Pentru ca petrecerea de schimbare a anului este emblematica pentru orice pamantean, va invitam sa petrecem impreuna cu acest prilej. Ce facem de Revelion : venim la Kasta unde ne asteapta o locatie calda si primitoare. Conditiile sunt cele pe care le cunoasteti

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Time & Location

31 dec. 2023, 19:00 EET – 01 ian. 2024, 06:00 EET

Location is TBD


About the event

Pentru ca petrecerea de schimbare a anului este emblematica pentru orice pamantean, va invitam sa petrecem impreuna cu acest prilej. Ce facem de Revelion :

  • venim la Kasta unde ne asteapta o locatie calda si primitoare. Conditiile sunt cele pe care le cunoasteti deja unii dintre voi dar le aveti scrise si in linkurile de mai jos
  • va rugam nu uitati de incaltamintea de interior! Dresscode este specificat in sectiunea corespunzatoare
  • in costul de participare sunt incluse aperitive, sampania de la miezul noptii, 6 minivouchere pentru tot atatea bauturi recoritoare (apa plata, coca cola, sucuri, cafea) de la bar. Consumatiile suplimentare si bauturile alcoolice(in cantitati rezonabile) se vor plati la preturile decente ale locatiei.
  • DESIGUR PARTY! Si asa cum va asteptati si cum functioneaza conceptul nostru, aveti libertatea deplina sa va manifestati bdsm - sau nu - in orice forma de interactiune care se incadreaza in regulile Kasta. Daca le veti citi, cu siguranta veti sti ce aveti de facut. Scopul nostru este sa ne destindem, sa ne apropiem unii de altii si sa ne bucuram de placerile speciale din lifestyle-ul nostru!
  • Un aspect important! Vor fi interactiuni de diverse tipuri! Va rugam cititi cu atentie regulile de participare! Este important sa nu stricam aceasta noapte prin greseli de comportament. Va multumim pentru intelegere si pentru ca suntem convinsi ca alaturi de noi si de voi o sa petrecem minunat!

Because the New Year's Eve party is emblematic for every earthling, we invite you to party together on this occasion. What we do on New Year's Eve :

  • we come to Kasta where a warm and welcoming location awaits us. The conditions are those that some of you already know but you have them written in the links below
  • please don't forget your indoor shoes! Dresscode is specified in the appropriate section
  • the cost of participation includes appetizers, midnight champagne, 6 mini-napkins for as many refreshing drinks (still water, coke, juice, coffee) from the bar. Additional drinks and alcoholic beverages (in reasonable quantities) will be paid at the decent prices of the venue
  • OF COURSE PARTY! And as you would expect and as our concept works, you have full freedom to manifest your bdsm - or not - in any form of interaction that falls within the Kasta rules. If you read them, you will definitely know what you have to do. Our aim is to relax, get close to each other and enjoy the special pleasures of our lifestyle
  • an important point! There will be interactions of various kinds! Please read the rules of participation carefully! It is important not to spoil this night by any behavioural mistakes. Thank you for your understanding and we are convinced that you and us will have a great time!
Payment conditions : for those who opt for "Going", please pay 50% of the participation fee in advance, up to December 28th inclusive. To make this payment simply send a private message with your intention and you will receive the payment details and a guarantee that your presence at the event is assured. Payment in advance is necessary for the organisation team in order to manage the resources you will consume. For any further details please do not hesitate to contact us! You can contact us via private message on Fetlife or via any form of sms/whatsapp/Telegram on 0731641601. Please do not initiate phone calls before identifying yourself via the above. We cannot afford to answer unknown numbers for understandable reasons. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!
This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.

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